Jane Gonzalez, Production Assistant
Jane is a film actress in Raleigh/Tri-State area. Always intrigued and fascinated with behind the scenes and production. In a nut shell how things work, why and the intricacies. She has worked at a NC Government TV Station, cameras, teleprompter, production asst. for a movie video, translated for several projects for Duke Hospital(Spanish), translated scripts, casting talent, talent monitor at auditions. She has a BS in Business Management from Florida International University. Why you ask? This industry is a business, no doubt about that, helps to organize and prioritize what important, weed out whats not!
Very thankful to Micheal and Krista for giving me this opportunity to further train and their graciousness. Ann-Marie is an angel put on this earth – thank you so much for your brilliance and guidance. Everyone has been so wonderful on this project, the production side and talent. I always felt at home!